10 Gram 24K Gold Worth in Afghan Afghani Today, Convert 10 Gram 24K Gold To AFN

Currently, the price of 10 Gram 24K gold is 58,694.68 AFN

How much is 10 Gram 24K Gold in AFN?

10 Gram 24K Gold Price = 58,694.68 AFN

Gold price in in Afghan Afghani (AFN) is being updated once every 30 minutes, based on latest live spot gold price. Last update time : 05/11/2024 04:17 GMT

10 Gram 24K Historical Gold Prices in last 30 days in AFN

Date 10 Gram 24K Gold Price
05 November 202458,694.80 AFN
04 November 202458,587.52 AFN
03 November 202458,553.09 AFN
02 November 202458,637.48 AFN
01 November 202458,641.60 AFN
31 October 202458,541.00 AFN
30 October 202458,842.08 AFN
29 October 202458,426.18 AFN
28 October 202458,342.52 AFN
27 October 202458,425.56 AFN
26 October 202458,427.70 AFN
25 October 202458,064.10 AFN
24 October 202458,001.36 AFN

Countries using Afghan Afghani (AFN) Currency